Friday 10 March 2023

Bird Buddy, plastering and painting

We've reached another Friday so let's get to this update and get into the weekend.

Beautiful start, but it didn't stay beautiful
Beautiful start, but it didn't stay beautiful

The day started with a lot of promise, a glorious sunrise, however very shortly after this the clouds rolled in and they have stayed all day. We have had some quite strong winds as well into the afternoon.

Bekir cleans up an old pipe length
Bekir cleans up an old pipe length
Digging a hole
Digging a hole
The dug hole
The dug hole
Welding two pipes together
Welding two pipes together
Cemented into position
Cemented into position

I took Rosie to school today and when I got back the men were already in and measuring up for the steel we need to mount our Bird Buddy. They got back from the shop quickly with some metal of the correct diameter and set about cutting it, then digging a hole to hold the pole, then welding the narrower diameter pole on top of the long pole and finally they set it in place and cemented the base. It is perfect as it is within WiFi reach of the house, but close enough to where the birds are naturally that hopefully they will enjoy visiting it. The men also cleaned up the weld and painted the pole with the rust proof paint so hopefully it will last a long time.

Bekir and Halil both plastering
Bekir and Halil both plastering
Halil painting in the crawl space
Halil painting in the crawl space
Removing the electrical box to plaster behind it
Removing the electrical box to plaster behind it

With the pole installed the men headed back into the roof and were back to plastering the ceiling and the left hand back wall of the room. Once Halil finished the section he was working on he shifted to painting the ceiling in the right hand crawl space, which is the first area that I want completely finished so I can start to move things into storage in there. Bekir, for his part, was continuing the plastering and was inside the left hand crawl space doing that back wall, which also involved detaching the electrical box from the wall so he could plaster behind it.

Digging a hole to plant a tree
Digging a hole to plant a tree
Two trees are planted
Two trees are planted
Bird buddy on a pole
Bird buddy on a pole

After work I went outside and planted out two trees for Angela into the flower bed I was sifting soil into for the last few days. They went in really well, and the ground there is really very good, very deep and rich, so hopefully they will do well. I also went and got the Bird Buddy and mounted it onto the pole and later on put bird seed in and checked the camera and it all looks good.

So there it is. Tomorrow we will be going to the garage to collect Maisie who has been in there for about five months so that's exciting. Thanks for reading and back on Monday.

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