Tuesday 7 March 2023

Yet more plastering

Today was another very busy day for me, and there aren't that many pictures, but let's get to it.

Sunrise from the kitchen window
Sunrise from the kitchen window
Step sisters
Step sisters

It was a lovely warm day today, though later on the wind did pick up quite a bit, and the sunrise was beautiful. I got Rosie to school on time and came back to find Thelma and Xena cuddling on the sofa.

Bekir working on an angled join
Bekir working on an angled join
Halil plastering away
Halil plastering away

The men were in and working on the plastering all day. They are making great strides up there, but did pop out at one point for more materials and also to get some corner reinforcement for around the edges of the doors so I won't damage things if I accidentally bash into the corners while accessing the storage. It is looking great up there.

Rosie with her heart shaped balloon
Rosie with her heart shaped balloon
Rosie enjoying the birthday cake
Rosie enjoying the birthday cake

After school today Rosie went to a birthday party at a local restaurant and she had a great time. I was the only dad there but it was OK as I was welcomed and included as much as possible. When we left we got home to find Angela had got back from her trip so that was really awesome as well!

So there you are; as I said, I was busy and I'm very tired so a short snappy update. Thanks for reading and back tomorrow.

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