Wednesday 25 September 2013

Helpful people are helpful

After work yesterday I met up with Boris for the first time for ages.

Boris isn't a "little miss"
Boris isn't a "little miss"
For months we met up to once a week to learn new words and have some nice food but this kind of petered out when I changed jobs amongst other reasons.

So it was nice to get back to see him, especially after all the excellent help which he has been giving me over the last months, with tracking the architect down and making appointments for me with her and generally being in a place where he can remove my stress.

As such last night was very much my treat and I was clear to say "thank you" for all the help he has given me.

It has made me think about all the help I have received from various people over the last couple of years while this process has been ongoing and while I am not going to enumerate everyone (because for sure I'll forget someone) I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone one of you. I include in that number everyone who is responding to this blog as you are encouraging me, as well as providing me with suggestions and ideas which will help me.

While (as anyone who knows me in person will tell you) I shout a lot about how much I hate people, you aren't all that bad are you :)

This'll be my homestead
This'll be my homestead
A fair few people have asked if I will be accepting help once I am over there; specifically allowing people to come stay with me and get involved in the renovation or homesteading work. Let me be clear that, within reason, I think this is a cracking idea so if you are interested in doing so just comment or send me a message in the form on the right and we can discuss this.

Thanks again.


  1. Haha! If you set up a little commune like that, you know that'll make you a Communist, right?

    1. So long as I can be the party leader, I'll rock with that :)

  2. The Leader? That makes you Ed Miliband!
