Thursday 23 June 2022

Chainlink begins

Welcome back to another day and today hasn't been glorious; of course it hasn't - we put the pool up yesterday and I wanted to run the mower today. Typical. Oh well, that's life.

Angela planting more flowers along the side
Angela planting more flowers along the side
The melon planting, climbing
The melon planting, climbing
Beautiful flowers
Beautiful flowers
Tree frog on the pool side
Tree frog on the pool side
Tree frog back in the tree
Tree frog back in the tree
The pool filled loads over night
The pool filled loads over night

I had the pleasure of taking Rosie to school today and when I got back I found Angela in the garden planting some more beautiful flowers. I also was able to appreciate the melon plant that is now trained up the arch that Rosie and I built the other day. Finally a photo of the flowers that she planted in the car tyres - they have exploded into colour! Beautiful. Shortly after we took the pool cover off for the day and found that a tree frog was on the side of the pool; I managed to catch it and took it to the tree where it jumped out of my hands and grabbed a branch. Awesome! The pool was filling fast and is over half way full now; we may stop the pipes tonight to stop it overflowing though.

The men were out finishing off the final bits of shuttering first thing and then when that was done they prepared to pour the cement round the pillars. I got the pump and filter out for the pool and got it all plumbed in ready for starting to run it regularly again. The weather really wasn't looking good and there was a lot of rumbling and then a sudden really strong blast of wind that literally tore the insulation from under the pool and sent it flying across the garden. The men braved the weather, however, and got all the cement poured and then at the end of the day they started on the first run of chain link. This is looking great and it is very exciting to have some of that up now. Before dinner I spent time with Rosie as usual and we hung a couple of pictures, including one of Angela's that is the first in what will be a gallery going down the main stairs.


Just now we have been out getting the pool cover on and Angela spotted an awesome caterpillar climbing the side of the porch; it's been a day for strange green creatures it seems.

Thanks for reading as always, back tomorrow.

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