Thursday 16 June 2022

Drilling, painting and mowing

Another absolutely glorious day here and more progress across the board. Let's get to it as while I type this Rosie and Angela are getting the garden watered so I've not got lots of time.

Sunrise with some clouds about
Sunrise with some clouds about
About to paint with Angela
About to paint with Angela
Halil sharpens a drill bit
Halil sharpens a drill bit
Measuring out for four holes
Measuring out for four holes
Drilling the holes
Drilling the holes
I'm on Mo and I'm mowing on my lunch break
I'm on Mo and I'm mowing on my lunch break
This is where he ran out of fuel
This is where he ran out of fuel

This morning we all went out onto the patio first thing and saw the sun rising over the hills. Rosie insisted on a picture being taken so here it is. I was busy with work from early but they both came onto the balcony before school and did some painting. The men were in on time and first up Halil was sharpening a metal drill bit so the main task of the day could be done. They were drilling four holes in both sides of each angled length. This was to both provide draining if water got in, but also to act as securing points for the barbed wire. It was another day of boring repetitive work for them however they got it done really well. At lunch time I pulled Mo out and ran him over the front lawn which was very long again. I ran out of fuel just before finishing the entirety but I had also run out of time so back to work it was.

Finishing touches as they touch up the paint
Finishing touches as they touch up the paint
Some tree limbs that needed removing
Some tree limbs that needed removing
Tidying up for the end of the day
Tidying up for the end of the day
Hungry caterpillar
Hungry caterpillar
Awesome looking plums
Awesome looking plums

Mid afternoon just as Bekir and Halil finished the drilling task I went with Halil to pick Maisie up. It wasn't the cheapest of repairs but that was very quick and it's very good to know that someone local is so competent to repair her. When we got back they both got stuck into the painting of the welded areas and they got that completely finished some tomorrow will be the day the posts are mounted - this is very exciting indeed! After work I fuelled Maisie, finished the mowing and trimmed down a Walnut that had a big branch too low to mow under. We will dry that and it can be used for firewood in a few years. Halil was cleaning and tidying up for the end of the day after I finished this and I talked to them about the next steps. We were in the orchard when Bekir pointed out this very big caterpillar on one of the plum trees. It's eating the leaves! We left it there, of course.

Rosie on her Peppa Pig spacehopper
Rosie on her Peppa Pig spacehopper
About to start another masterpiece
About to start another masterpiece
Rosie shows off her creation
Rosie shows off her creation

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of after school Rosie. She came home with lots of energy and after waiting for me to finish my mowing (and playing balloons with Angela) I took over while she cooked and it was great fun. We did balloons and space hoppers and then some football on the balcony and finally some painting. She's having such fun with that!

So there you are; another good day, it's still 27 degrees at my desk on the balcony in the shade and the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Here's to tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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