Friday 7 January 2022

More paving

Welcome back and once again we had the workmen in getting stuff done outside. It's been a miserable cold and damp day but they stuck at it.

A goodbye cuddle from Rosie for Xena
A goodbye cuddle from Rosie for Xena
Bekir shovelling soil across the gap
Bekir shovelling soil across the gap
Xena sleeps on my lap
Xena sleeps on my lap
Overflowing raised bed
Overflowing raised bed
Empty raised bed
Empty raised bed
Stones to raise the level some
Stones to raise the level some
More levelling prep for paving
More levelling prep for paving
Halil cutting the slabs to size
Halil cutting the slabs to size
Paving slabs across the top
Paving slabs across the top

I was up early today and had Xena playing around at my feet, chasing and fighting them. It was very funny. I took Rosie to school today, which was lovely, and before she left she asked to cuddle Xena which she did very carefully. When I got back the men were in and their first task was to shift the soil from the empty raised bed all out into the other one; this is to allow them to put the stones and mesh and sand in as we forgot about the drainage initially. It took some doing but they got it done while I was working away and had Xena sleeping on my lap. With the soil shifted they got back to laying the paving for the paths and built up the level some with stones laying around the land. Then it was stones, mesh, sand and finally slabs on top. At this end they needed to cut the slabs to size to fit along the edge so Halil was in charge of the big grinder and got this done efficiently. I'm not entirely sure but I think they finished the path on the right as well so we're now only needing to do one more path on the left and then across the front.

I'll leave you with a video of Thelma and Xena playing together; Angela has done a great job of getting them socialised and they are slowly but surely getting more used to each other.

Thanks for reading; I'll hopefully be back on Monday.

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