Tuesday 25 May 2021

All about the infill

 Today there are lots of videos, including deliveries of stones and infill that my nephew will love to watch.

13 tonnes of infill
13 tonnes of infill
Halil throws the infill towards its target
Halil throws the infill towards its target

Rosie was back to school today after her holiday yesterday and I had the pleasure of dropping her off as I was going with Bekir to get a final quote and arrange for the delivery of the infill. Rosie loved having us both along, and then it was over to the quarry where we talked with the boss who grabbed one of the truck drivers and had him turn straight around and follow us back to dump the load already in his truck. Very quick service. There was a lot of large stones in with the small stones and sand and it was a HUGE task for Bekir and Halil to shift it from where it was dropped and spread it smooth. The videos above cover the lorry arriving, delivering (sorry for the shaky cam, I was also helping clear things away) and then the arduous task of moving it into place. I really wish I had a tractor or mini-digger now.

Evidence of turning round
Evidence of turning round
Nearly finished spreading the first load
Nearly finished spreading the first load
Halil hefts a large rock
Halil hefts a large rock

Mid afternoon the second lorry load arrived, this time with the boss-man along for the ride. This truck really struggled to get onto the land, it took him many attempts to round the corner by the green building and then many more to turn around on our drive (and he left a fair amount of his tyres on the drive in black marks). He complained that the loader was an idiot and had loaded his truck badly so it wasn't driving well. It really didn't look easy but he managed. The men finished spreading the first load and made a start on the second before the end of the day. Hard work in the heat.

Back bank mowed as well now
Back bank mowed as well now
Art time for daddy and Rosie
Art time for daddy and Rosie
A colourful beetle
A colourful beetle

After work I pushed the mower around on the back bank and got that finished just before Angela got home with Rosie after school and then it was time for Daddy Time which involved art and then "catch you" on the balcony, followed by some "I hide" on the front lawn and then we took a walk around the house along the newly mown back bank and Rosie helped me with clips for tying more of the vine to the supports. Dinner was lovely on the balcony and we got to see the train go along the valley for the first time for a few weeks which was very exciting.

Tomorrow we'll have the same amount of infill again delivered, and we should also get the toilet piping. It was about 27 tonnes today so a fair quantity indeed. Thanks for reading.

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