Monday 14 February 2022

A birthday weekend

We had no workmen today as Bekir had things to do at home but that means my update can be focused as I want on Rosie's birthday weekend. It was marvellous!

A beautiful purple dawn greets us
A beautiful purple dawn greets us
Rosie helping me with balloons
Rosie helping me with balloons
Taking balloons to tie on the front fence
Taking balloons to tie on the front fence
Rosie holding the helium balloons
Rosie holding the helium balloons
Before the party, dressed to have fun
Before the party, dressed to have fun
A full balcony of fun and noise
A full balcony of fun and noise
Quiet drawing time with her best friend
Quiet drawing time with her best friend
Chocolate cake mush
Chocolate cake mush
After the party with Xena
After the party with Xena

Saturday was party day and we were up bright and early and with lots of chores to complete before the guests started arriving. First of all Rosie and I blew more balloons up and tied them together into pairs before heading outside to attach them along the front fence so people could find us easily. Angela was out at this time collecting helium balloons and some more food and when she got back with the helium balloons Rosie was over the moon. It was a busy time but passed very quickly and then we all got dressed into our party clothes and the first people arrived. To see Rosie's face as the first guest climbed the stairs into the living room was so precious to me and the day just kept getting better and better. We had about eleven kids and their mothers, all the neighbours and also our other british friends from down the road and it was just a magical time indeed. Rosie didn't stop playing and smiling and laughing and all the kids had a lovely time. Probably my favourite thing of the whole day was catching sight of Rosie with her best friend sat quietly drawing together on the table outside the new house. Perfect. Suddenly it was time for cake and everyone sang to Rosie and she blew the candles out then sat with Grandma to eat some. Everyone headed off over a period of a few minutes and then it was time for relaxation, a bit of play, then sleep. All in all it was a super busy day but just lovely.

Rosie starts to open her gifts, with help from the girls
Rosie starts to open her gifts, with help from the girls
Rosie playing with her gift from Grandma
Rosie playing with her gift from Grandma
Rosie dancing in her fairy wings
Rosie dancing in her fairy wings
Playing with her toys with Grandma
Playing with her toys with Grandma
Dragon gift surprise
Dragon gift surprise
Playtime at the end of the day
Playtime at the end of the day

Sunday was another lovely day and we started with opening presents from the family, with Thelma and Louise in attendance helping her unwrap. It was a lovely way to start the day and she had a lot of fun with her gifts, including some walkie talkies that she has all the fun talking to us through around the house. They work really well from Room 13 down to the kitchen. Mum and I went out to view a house late morning which took far longer than planned but we got back in time to spend time with Rosie before nap time, and to have a call with my sister. After the nap we opened all the gifts she had received during the party and then sat playing with them until dinner time. Just before bed time I gave her the dragon I had printed and painted for her, which she liked very much, and then it was bed and time for the puppies to have a play.

And there you have it. What a wonderful weekend. Thanks for reading, and hopefully back tomorrow.

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