Tuesday 15 February 2022

Back to the garden

After the day off yesterday the men were back today; let's get to this update as it covers both days.

Angela in her new raised bed garden
Angela in her new raised bed garden
Balcony play with me and Grandma
Balcony play with me and Grandma
The bouncy thing with Grandma
The bouncy thing with Grandma

Yesterday was a beautiful day and Angela made the most of it by being outside a fair bit getting a load of stuff done in the garden. I was super busy and was very pleased when it was time for Rosie to get home from school, though she was later than normal as Grandma and Angela took her to the park for a bit after school. We had a nice time on the balcony with her new house and also the rocking donkey before it was time to head downstairs for quieter play then books.

We get to the bar for our night out
We get to the bar for our night out

Band in full flow
Band in full flow

For the first time for years, literally, Angela and I went out together last night. We headed to a local bar to watch our friend the policeman play in his band. It was so lovely to get out and we had an awesome time. Hopefully we can go again some time as well.

The sun rises on another day
The sun rises on another day
Bekir and Halil laying slabs
Bekir and Halil laying slabs
Checking out the damp
Checking out the damp
There it is; time to dry out
There it is; time to dry out

Today dawned bright and beautiful, but frosty, and the sun stayed out all day. I took Rosie down to school this morning and when I got back the men were in and laying slabs around the raised beds. When the finished the first length Bekir came in to look at the dampness in the library and after moving a load of things we pulled the carpet up to find that indeed the dehumidifier had been leaking and there was a very damp area through the carpet and underlay and onto the floor. We have left this carpet pulled back to air and dry it and will reinstall it at the end of the week. Frustrating, but at least we found it wasn't water coming in through the wall.

Angela shifting stones in a barrow
Angela shifting stones in a barrow
Using the stones to edge the garden
Using the stones to edge the garden
Seedlings starting to sprout
Seedlings starting to sprout
Xena and Louise having a play
Xena and Louise having a play

It really was another glorious day and again while I was stuck at my desk Angela made the most of it to get into the garden. I did help her with this barrow, after taking the picture, and she was making a lovely edging to the garden with some stones she found in the excavations for the chicken enclosure and other places. The seedlings she planted with Rosie are also coming up really nicely. It wasn't only Angela enjoying being outside; Thelma, Louise and Xena had a great time, with Xena in particular playing a lot with Louise, while Angela threw the ball for Thelma.

A little bit of pickaxe work
A little bit of pickaxe work
All cut out now
All cut out now

The men finished up the slabs and then turned their attention to the final front section. We had a bit of a chat and decided to have a central slope in line with the middle aisle and have a wall to each side of it with slabs at the bottom. They had to chip out some stone and made use of the breaker for this and by the end of the day were ready for concrete which is awesome as that can be poured tomorrow morning.

So there you are; another awesome day here and more of the same tomorrow I think. Thanks for reading.

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