Friday 18 February 2022

Friday feeling rubbish

Whatever illness Angela had that knocked her down yesterday I think I've got at least a little bit of it; she's still been sick today and I've been feeling pretty rubbish as well. I slept a chunk this morning and didn't do much at all all day.

Rosie reading her morning story
Rosie reading her morning story
Sunshine and clouds to start the day
Sunshine and clouds to start the day
Big Volvo digger on a low loader
Big Volvo digger on a low loader
Awesome bird feeder
Awesome bird feeder

This morning Rosie decided she wanted to read to mummy but mummy was in the dark so she got up onto a chair and read to her from there. It was very lovely. It was a bit of a cloudy start and cold and windy when I took Rosie down to school. We saw that the big digger that was loading onto the truck yesterday evening was still parked there. As it happens it was also still there on the way home. When I got back Angela told me she'd hung up a bird feeder and so I went to look for it. It was so windy today that this blew off the branch during the day so we'll need to get a more secure fastening.

Halil starting to back fill around the walls
Halil starting to back fill around the walls
Bekir working on the ramp
Bekir working on the ramp
Finishing touches to the ramp
Finishing touches to the ramp
All nicely dressed and with the path available again
All nicely dressed and with the path available again
Soil going onto the front garden
Soil going onto the front garden

When I got back from dropping Rosie I found the men in getting stuck in to their work. The tasks were to tidy up and finish off all around the raised bed area (this was Halil all day) and Bekir was actually putting slabs down on the ramp and then finishing the top and bottom with a small amount of cement. As I've said we were not out much at all during the day and it was lovely to see the huge improvement this has made to the area. To round the day off I asked them to spread soil on the dip that runs across the lawn where the pipe trench goes. This is been begun but not completed.

Grandma and Rosie by the raised beds
Grandma and Rosie by the raised beds

Having Grandma here has been awesome, not least for the fact that we were both unwell today so Rosie had a lovely time in the garden with Grandma after school.

And there you have it; time for the weekend and hopefully this is not going to batter me as badly as it has Angela! Thanks for reading.

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