Thursday 17 February 2022

Ramping it down

Another day, another blog post with more progress and other stuff. Enjoy.

Rosie and Xena cuddle Angela this morning
Rosie and Xena cuddle Angela this morning
A beautiful sunrise
A beautiful sunrise
Pawprints in the cement
Pawprints in the cement
Taking apart the old raised beds
Taking apart the old raised beds
Filling in some dips in the lawn
Filling in some dips in the lawn
The raised beds are gone
The raised beds are gone

I went to bed really early last night and slept right through which was much needed indeed. It was another slightly cloudy misty start this morning and was foggy as I dropped Rosie to school. When I got back the men were in so I went to talk to them and saw that the puppies had been running on the new cement last night and now we have a memory of their paw prints. The first thing the men had to do was a lot of tidying up, taking down the shuttering, clearing piles of wood, and then removing the two remaining wooden raised beds. They made use of some of the soil to fill in the dips on the lawn where the olive trees used to be. It is very nice to have such a clean tidy part of the garden now. It looks great!

Time to read in the recliner
Time to read in the recliner
Footings for the side of the ramp
Footings for the side of the ramp
Side supports built
Side supports built
Halil hand mixes cement
Halil hand mixes cement
Reinforcing the top
Reinforcing the top

Grandma was taking advantage of the recliner and the fact the forecast rain had not appeared and was having a great time on the patio. Meanwhile, with the original raised beds out of the way they started to dig in the sides of the ramp and then built it up with blocks on either side. Halil then mixed cement while Bekir cut and placed some metal reinforcement before they poured concrete on top of both sides. For now the ramp is being left dirt but we will probably pave that as well at some point.

Bekir starts on the tree
Bekir starts on the tree

The last thing I saw the men do today before we went on our walk was removing the sapling that has been growing from underneath the woodshed. Bekir dug it out with the pickaxe then they pulled it with Thomas to get as much of the tap root out as they could.

Heading out on our walk
Heading out on our walk
The three puppies dash down the slope
The three puppies dash down the slope
Xena tries to take Thelma's stick
Xena tries to take Thelma's stick
We reach the tower
We reach the tower

We headed out for a walk when Rosie got home, this time not only with Thelma and Louise but I carried Xena round to where we could take the leads off and she had a great time. It was lovely to get the fresh air and explore and let Rosie and the puppies stretch their legs and also for me and Grandma as well. Rosie found a feather she was very pleased with catching and it was another awesome way to spend and evening and avoided yet more Fireman Sam so win win really.

Out for our dinner and Bella came as well
Out for our dinner and Bella came as well

When we got back from the walk Grandma and I took Rosie out for dinner. Sadly Angela has been quite poorly all day and so we went out to give her some peace and quiet and get more rest. It turned out well as we had a lovely time and enjoyed our meal. It's so close to Grandma going home as well!

So there it is; the day is done. Thanks for reading, I'll be back tomorrow.

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