Sunday 7 June 2015

Packing to leave

Hi there all, I'm sat here late Sunday evening typing a blog up into the publishing engine for the first time for a long while. I've already written part two of my "Islay Whisky Festival" update which you will have the pleasure of reading tomorrow I reckon, but for now this is my regular weekly update taking from the end of said update until today. Yes, I know, that means that the next update from me will take you back in time but I can't do anything about that; I'm not ready to publish the second part of Islay yet.

Tiny caterpillar and green shoots
Tiny caterpillar and green shoots
So, since I got back from that epic week I have been one hundred per cent focused on the next step which is Going Home. How exciting is that! I begin this week, however, with a picture of a tiny caterpillar on the one tree out of the two I bought which has started to show signs of life. The shoots and small sprigs of leaves are very heartening, late as it is for such spring like activity, and I must remember to put this little tree into the trailer on Thursday evening when I am actually leaving here. I left this caterpillar in situ until I realised it could kill my tree and then knocked it off.

Four scrubby things, four different animals
Four scrubby things, four different animals
It was a bit of a shock to go back in the office on Monday after the fantastic week in Scotland, but it was also really nice to get back to work and carry on where I had left off. I started my new contract, which will continue while I'm in Bulgaria, on Monday as well so it was nice to know that when I invoice for this I will be doing so through my Bulgarian company. Other than working I have spent my evenings getting ready for the big move, the first stage of which will be next Thursday when I head to John's where I will live until I can visit CJC and his new baby, whenever that arrives. I had a few trips to the shops for various supplies; vacuum pack bags for my clothes, more tinned food for the puppies, and four bath scrubber things as requested by A.

Dinner with Gerd
Dinner with Gerd
As part of my last full week here I have determined to get to the pub regularly to eat nice food and also say goodbye to the staff there who have made such a difference to mine (and our) sojourn in England. My first visit this week was with Gerd after work; I went home and did some packing and wrapping of presents and then when he turned up about 6 we both walked round to the pub with the girls. Dinner was the gammon egg and chips which had been my first few meals there and even with the new menu I enjoyed it immensely.

Rapidly incoming Louise
Rapidly incoming Louise
We got back quite early and Gerd legged it as he had some work to do so I was left with the puppies in the back garden and I had a whale of time as they played with each other with abandon. They chase and chase and chase round and round and then suddenly at a signal I cannot see they stop and sniff something then go to pouncing postures staring at each other until one breaks the glare and the other is off after her. It's amazing fun to watch and I hope they never stop playing.

We have frogs in our pond
We have frogs in our pond
I have been able to spend a couple of my lunchtimes this week out in the garden with the girls as the high winds that we have suffered all week don't really affect that sheltered spot. One day I was walking around and heard a splash in the pond so went to investigate. I was really amazed to see two rather large frogs looking at me from their hiding places half submerged. This must be the remnants of the frogspawn from earlier in the year. All week I have been startling them and making them dive for water from their sunbathing shelf just on the edge of the pond; the girls have yet to show an interest.

They worship the sun
They worship the sun
The one thing you can be sure they WILL show a firm interest in is patches of sunlight. Once more, while I was packing and tidying around them, they went to their favourite location in the front room and cuddled up together to soak up the rays. They will love the summers in Bulgaria but, unless we have cold bright winters like rumoured, I think they may struggle when the snow falls; we'll just have to make sure their bed lies in a patch of sunlight.

Wrapping up the TV in lots of bubble wrap
Wrapping up the TV in lots of bubble wrap
As the title of this update suggests this week has been focused on packing and tidying for the off. I went round the house on Wednesday evening gathering together everything that I could see which I wouldn't need this side of getting home and packing it up. The one big ticket item remaining was A's TV which was still on its stand and in the office. I took it to bits and then wrapped it in layers of big bubble wrap. If that gets damaged on the journey there was nothing more I could do, hon.

Staring accusingly as only puppies can
Staring accusingly as only puppies can
This week I also had plans to have dinner with Boris at our usual eatery; a Russian restaurant in Manchester town. I went home from work early so I could spend time with the puppies before heading out, and also feed and water them sufficiently before they were left alone. This extra time was, as you can see, not enough for them and they were not happy at being left alone.

Superb three course meal
Superb three course meal
The evening was great; I arrived a little early and sat at a table thinking Boris hadn't arrived yet and it was only after a few minutes that I looked around and saw him sat at another table nearby. Whoops. He wasn't sure if A was still around so had booked a seat for her also; bless him. The food was, as usual in here, very nice and the service was as always exceptional. We had a lovely time chatting and eating and when the evening came to an end I made him promise to come visit us the next time he is in country. I really hope that he does.

Not sure what Louise caught herself on to do this
Not sure what Louise caught herself on to do this
Friday was a work from home day and I was happy of the chance to lay in and then to not really have to try hard to reach my office; the sofa. I was still feeling really exhausted from the previous week and I also wasn't feeling great just in general. I let the girls have a run outside throughout the day and at one point I was concerned to see blood on Louise. Further investigation showed me this welt on my inner rear thigh however I can tell you now that it has healed well so far and looks to be fine.

Really didn't want to have rain like this
Really didn't want to have rain like this
I had arranged with Loz that he would come over on Saturday to help me load up the trailer as there were a couple of items that were too big and heavy for me to lift on my own. I was up early as usual with the puppies and pottered around gathering things inside but then I was quite unhappy when there was a brief but very wet shower. Now the trailer bed was soaked. When the shower had passed and the sun came out again I was able to push the trailer out onto the road into the sun so it could dry quicker. After a little while it was pretty dry again so I swapped Thomas and the trailer round, somehow managing to push the trailer back up over the curb into my driveway. I then stacked some bits and pieces outside preparatory to Loz arriving.

Trailer covered and wrapped tight
Trailer covered and wrapped tight
It did not take long for us to load the trailer together and then he helped me with the washing machine into the back of Thomas and we were done. It was again like a real life game of tetris and I was happy enough with the outcome for now. We got absolutely everything into the trailer without even looking at Thomas which bodes well for collecting the stuff from Hungary, if we can that is.

A huge plate full of pig
A huge plate full of pig
Once the loading was done we spent a bit of time playing with the girls, who had been confined to their cage all this time, before making our way round to the pub. My parents were on their way up to Glasgow and dropping past over lunch so I told them to not come to the house but meet us there. When we arrived at the pub we found we were a little early and, even though the girls whined that they wanted to go in, we couldn't get past the locked door so took a lovely short stroll up the canal tow path and back to pass the time. When we got back the pub was open so we took our seats, waiting for the parents before placing our food order, and had a really lovely time enjoying the food and company before it was once again time for the parents to hit the road so as to not miss their appointment in Scotland.

Super relaxed puppies
Super relaxed puppies
When Loz went I retired to the garden with a book on my kindle and watched the girls play then they came and cuddled on my lap (much as they are now as I type this) and feel fast asleep. Louise is underneath Thelma in this picture and very comfortable indeed I believe.

Thomas once again full to the brim
Thomas once again full to the brim
I did not sleep very well last night what with my mind whirring over the packing I had done on Saturday and various other things of which I'm not totally clear in my own head but I think boil down to a really rubbish mattress and a desire to be on the road. I had a few ideas about repacking that I decided to work through this morning, and also a solution to the sagging tarpaulin on the trailer. Eventually I did fall asleep and woke up this morning to let the girls out then decided to just stay awake. I spent the first part of the day doing a bit of the other blog post then, when I figured it wasn't too early to bang and crash around outside, I set to on the trailer. It didn't take me long to pull all the kitchen units out and store them in Thomas and then I set to with the task of filling his truck bed completely. With this done I had taken about half of what was in the trailer out and now I am confident that the sofa will come with, as well as the fridge and book shelf which is hopefully still in Hungary. My idea with the straps to use them as cross supports for the tarpaulin also worked perfectly. As A said, not an entirely wasted sleepless night after all.

Sunday lunch
Sunday lunch
And so, feeling happier with the trailer and truck situation, I headed off to the pub for my lunch. It was quite a warm day, though still with a stiff cold breeze at times, so I sat outside at first and then, when I wanted to eat I went to the usual table inside. I had the normal steady stream of visitors of the puppies through my stay and the food was outstanding as usual; I think I will be missing out on evening meal again today. Once I had eaten and finished my beer I headed back home through the warm afternoon, both girls running happily with me, and I am able to now think that this time next week I will either be in Europe, or at least settled in at John's flat and kind of on my way.

I will leave you for now with this video of Louise inside the rolled up rug in the front room while Thelma tries to get her out. This had me in stitches watching them in real life. They are rather incredible I think.

Here's to next week and (hopefully) my final update in this country coming up soon.

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